

Payment dates during Easter 2022


The payment dates during Easter weeks are as follows:

New jobseeking model launches in May


A new jobseeking model launches in May 2022 which affects unemployed jobseekers registered with TE services.

Waiting period of unemployment security abolished temporarily


On 28 January 2022, the Parliament decided on a temporary amendment to the law regarding the waiting period of unemployment security. As a result, unemployment benefit will be paid from the first day of unemployment without the five-day waiting period. The amendment affects unemployment benefits between 1 January and 28 February 2022.

Changes to opening hours of Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Office and Unemployment Fund’s telephone service


Face to face customer service open on Mondays (9am to 4pm) until 28 February. The telephone service of the Unemployment Fund is closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 28 February.

What to do in case of a lay-off?


Worsening corona situation causes lay-offs at least in restaurant sector

The exempt amount goes back to 300 euros


The exempt amount of adjusted unemployment benefit goes back to 300 euros

Tax information for January 2022


In January benefits will be paid by using the tax information of previous year

Increase in unemployment benefits in 2022


The unemployment benefit increases in 2022 due to an index increment of 2,1%

The payment dates during the holidays


Payment dates for unemployment benefits may deviate from normal due to the public holidays

Unemployment Fund’s annual meeting


Unemployment Fund’s annual meeting and board meeting was held in 17. November 2021